Sunday, January 6, 2013

Yurt Life

(So this was an attempt to connect to someone else who was living in Yurts ~ but my email to came back ~ so here I start off with a short letter telling a bit about myself.~)

Rob ~ i ran across your website quite by accident.  Was interested in finding others who are & have been living in Yurts & written about their enxperiences.  My interest comes from the fact that i have been living in Yurts for over 20 years now.  I got hooked after seeing an traditional Afghan Yurt back in th 80's.  Then after traveling by horse & wagon around the SE US, & feeling the nomadic life, someone turned me on to a set of plans. From those plans i made myself a Yurt. My step-daughters asked my wife if we were ever going to move back inside the house ~ answer was NO.  I packed up my Yurt & went to a Pagan Festival & someone else wanted one ~ so started NomadicArts Yurts. I made several Yurts & realized that I either needed to get investors & really get into the business or (What I chose) I moved to the backwoods of West Virginia.  But before that move I traveled some with my Yurt ~ setting up for a time in 2 other states.  In W. V. it was a 45minute walk into where my Yurt was set up by a small stream & a very old hand dug well.  Though this was very beautiful, by this time of my life I had remarried & had another small step-daughter.  This isolation was great with my wife & I, but there where no other children for miles.  So packing up again, we moved outside of Athens, Oh (a college town with lots of homeschoolers) we still live there now in a 16' & 20' yurts connected to a kitchen & studio.  However, with my last step-daughter now grown, we plan on packing up again in the spring & returning to WV, to the same land we were on before.  From this land we can go & come with almost no ties, because we are set to travel even farther a-field.  We will be spending time in SE Asia since my wife is Thai & from there exploring Asia ~ which will probable lead me to the Steps of Asia ~ I want to wander this part of the world  horse.
     Okay after this long intro ~ why I found you was looking for others writing of their actual experiences living full time in a Yurt.  I would be very interested in any articles or information or connections you have in relation to this.
James (cricket) Massey

Sent from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. James,
    Watched the video, as well as read the blog. Biggest difference between your yurt and ours --- insulation! In Manitoba, temperature drops (often) to -30F, and summers rise to +95F, so ventilation and insulation are critical. Also, since my wife and I are now the sole adventurers in the family, we only needed a 600 sq ft yurt, self contained with washroom, kitchen, living area, solar & wind power, etc.
    Unfortunately, sold yurt and land a few months ago, but, good news (for us, anyway): am building a smaller, more portable unit, so that we can be more mobile.
    Look forward to more exchanges with you.
